Tuesday, January 18, 2011

History Presentation

Class 26 Lee Sung Jae
1. Camilla vs Aeneas
Aeneas escaped from Greek's attack with a bade from Venus.

Aneneas met Dido there, and stay there for a year until Mercury remind him.

Aeneas and the followers including Anchises and Iulus arrived in Delos.

Anchises appeared and said "Go to Sibyl and you'll get more information from me in the Infernal Region."

They got an oracle which said "Seek the cradle of your race."

After the conversation with his father in the Infernal Region, he go to Tiber, and there he met Latinus, the king.

So they go to the Crete where one of their ancestors reigned.

Neptune rescued them and they arrived in the Libyan coast.

During the adventure, they fought against Juno, Harpies, and Cyclops and Aeneas lost his father during the fights.

Therefore they won the war and Aeneas made a new nation "Lavinia".

With an anger for the death of Pallas Aeneas and the Trojans killed Camilla and Turnus.

Because of the Juno's strategy, Latins and Turnus who allied with Camilla got a war.

2. All about Camilla
A warrior who fought against Aeneas
- Brave and Strong
- Very faithful
Speial Features:
- She is a "woman warrior"
- She was dedicated by her father to Diana
- Her father is very religious

3. Story of Camilla:
He got stuck by the Amasenus River with the pursuers very close to him.

Camilla's father fled before the Volscian troops with Camilla in his arms.

He tied his daughter to his spear.

He threw the spear to the opposite bank and fortunately she didn't hurt.

THE MYTHS OF GREECE AND ROME (H.A. Guerber) page 322~339
1. Delos: a small Greek island in the Aegean sea
2. reign: to rule as king, queen, EMPEROR, etc. rules
3. Juno: the most important goddess of the Roman state, wife of Jupitr. She was originally an ancient Italian goddess
4. Harpy: a rapacious monster described as having a woman's head and body and a bird' wings and claws
5. Cyclops: a member of a race of savage one-eyed giants
6. Mrcury: the Roman god of eloquence, skill, trading, and thieving, herald and messenger of the gods
7. Sibyl: a woman in ancient times supposed to utter the oracles and prophecis of a god
8. infernal: of, relating to, or characteristics of hell or the underworld
9. Tiber: a river in central Italy that rises in the Tuscan Apennines and flows southwest for 252 miles(405km), entering the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia
10. Volscian: a member of an ancient Italic people who fought the Romans in Latium in the 5th and 4th centuries BC until absorbed into Rome after their final defeat in 304 BC

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