Thursday, January 13, 2011

Viral Video- Double Rainbow

 Paul Vasquez posted this video on Youtube on January 8, 2010. This video became popular as Jimmy Kimmel posted this video on Twitter. And eventually gained more than one million viewers. On July 5 2010 Gregory Brothers made "Double Rainbow Song" and it have got 19,365,098 views. And eventuallly Windows Live Photo Gallery work together with Paul Vasquez to make it's advertisement, using the viral video.

 I think Vasquez is very lucky as he became popular with his video, crying with the double rainbow. I wonder why this video is so viral as he just crying with the double rainbow, shouting "Oh double rainbow, what does it mean?"

 I was pretty surprised that the video and the upgrade version of this video "Double Rainbow Song" have got millions of viewers and it was even on a advertisement of Window Live Photo Gallery.

 Even though this video is quite absurdity, I think it is not that funny. And I wondered "What was the original purpose for Paul Vasquez of uploading the video? I think he just want to show beautiful (not very beautiful but I think he ws very impressed by the double rainbow) double rainbow to other people so that he can share the happiness with others.

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